Access & computer equipment: This website has been designed for the use with the vast majority of common PC desktop and laptop equipment and screen resolutions of 800x600 pixels and higher. However, it will be particularly suitable for visitors with Internet Explorer 6 and a modern Windows operating system. Further, most of all pages are optimized with regard to a short load time for the friendly use with a modem or any other slower internet connection.
Font size & accessibility: This website features resizeable fonts. E.g. in the Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 menu bar choose "View" > "Text Size" to adjust the font size. Even other browsers are supported.
Members area access: Your login sessions are kept alive for max. 1 hour. You have to re-login, then. Cookies are used by standard to manage your access rights for the members. Cookies are not required! When your browser accepts Cookies (most common browsers do that), remember that anyone who has access to your PC will also have all access rights until your session has been closed. There are also other good reasons to make always use of the "Logout" button to close a session.
JavaScript... a scripting language needed to make some things more comfortable for you (e.g. search form functions or a pop-up window management). You will enjoy that most of all the funcions will even work with JavaScript disabled, like e.g. found in some enterprise environments for security reasons.
If you are sure to have a more common operating system and software (browser) and should meet any problem, please send a brief description of your problem to webmaster @ Thank you!